
Founders Creative: The Mission

A few years ago I found myself on the road 12 weeks of the year as a startup founder from Las Vegas to Amsterdam. I challenged myself to put myself on every stage in the cities I traveled in and encountered some very sharp white and male elbows. It was amusing just as much as frustrating that there was hardly a woman let alone a woman of color on any of the stages.

Living in the heart of Silicon Valley is a luxury and I wanted to start our journey here. Founders Creative was started by my co-founder Raymond Lee and myself to level the playing field when it comes to stage time and thought leadership.

We are on a mission to elevate under represented founders, executives, ideas starting from the heart of where everything begins in technology and slowly expand our reach worldwide.

Join us on our journey by participating in our events and reach out if you would like to be featured at our events, blogs, or any of our other platforms. You can find our calendar here:

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